Trendy pastries and creations by great Chefs



○ 31-hour program

○ Remotely, through video on demand, viewable 7 days a week, 24 hours a day

○ Training to be completed in 3 months (recommended), one-year access granted to all videos

○ Target audience: Anyone wishing to obtain or deepen their pastry skills.

○ No prerequisites

○ Rate: 660€ HT per trainee

○ Financing:  personal or OPCO (QUALIOPI certified organization)

Pedagogical Objectives

✔ Learn more than 230 professional pastry techniques, detailed step-by-step

✔ Learn to recreate the techniques of the greatest experts in their respective fields

✔ Succeed in preparing 37 Chefs' pastries, wth 3 different levels of difficulty.

The speakers

Jeffrey Cagnes
Nicolas Paciello
Johanna Le Pape
Cyril Van Der Stuyft
Olivier Magne
Pierre-Jean Quinonero
Desty Brami & Bruno Ciret
Philippe Conticini & Jeffrey Cagnes
Patrice Ibarboure
Julien Alvarez
Joël Schwalbach
Jean-Marie Lanio
Maxence Barbot
Angelo Musa

Training content

Part One

Part two

Part Three

Operational objectives

✔ Making dry cakes (shortbread, cookies, cakes...)

✔ Making pies (lemon pie, chocolate pie, flan...)

✔ Make creams (whipped ganache, cream, chantilly, mousseline cream...)

✔ Making leavened dough products (brioche)

✔ Prepare puff pastry-based products.

✔ Prepare leavend puff pastry-based products.

✔ Prepare an entremet

✔ Decorate with a piping bag

✔ Decorating with finished products (chocolate decor, dried fruit, confectioner's sugar)

Monitoring & Evaluation

● Pre-training needs analysis survey

● Pre- and post-training self-assessment questionnaire.

● Post-training knowledge assessment questionnaire.

● Satisfaction Questionnaire

● Certificate of completion

Teaching aids

Each Chef offers 3 different levels of courses, accessible to all: beginner, advanced or expert, which are carried out through exclusive recipes.

Each course consists of several videos, each detailing a key step of the recipe, and several specific techniques (kneading a brioche dough, decorating with a piping bag, tempering chocolate, browning a viennoiserie, ...).

Never miss a detail while watching the experts at work, thanks to the upmost quality of the videos. All videos are produced by VOILA CHEF and are exclusively available on the platform

Thus, for each course offering, you will have access to:

  • Detailed step-by-step explanations
  • Focusing on techniques
  • Tips for each step of the recipe
  • Technical points on ingredients and methodologies to be learned
  • Detailed technical sheets available for download
  • A glossary to simplify the understanding of culinary vocabulary

Find all the courses on a dedicated and ultra accessible platform:

  • Platform open 24 hours a day - 7 days a week
  • Content fully accessible in French and English (site and videos)
  • Unlimited searchable videos
  • Accessible via any device: mobile, tablet, computer

Download all the technical sheets dedicated to professionals:

  • An integrated mercurial system
  • Costing
  • Calculating the weighings according to the desired production quantities

Ask all your questions and exchange with a community of experts

  • Private community on Facebook
  • Contact by email:

Soyez accompagnés en cas d'aléas ou difficulté technique

  • En cas d'aléas ou de difficulté technique rencontrée sur l'application, nous sommes là pour vous assister et vous accompagner
  • Contact par email sur

Disability policy

Tout est mis en œuvre pour que nos formations soient accessibles à tous.
La formation étant à 100% en distanciel, elle ne nécessite pas de déplacement et peut-être accessible aux PMR.
Toutes nos vidéos proposent des sous-titres en français et en anglais, et peuvent convenir aux personnes malentendantes.
Les fiches techniques peuvent-être déclinées à la demande de différentes manières : contraste, taille de la police, ...
Le rythme des formations est adaptable en fonction du rythme de travail de chacun : les vidéos sont visionnables à la demande, être mises sur pause, peuvent-être vues plusieurs fois.
Afin d’adapter au mieux nos formations, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter en amont de votre inscription afin que nous puissions prendre toutes les précautions nécessaires ensemble.
Référent handicap : Sophie Dubost -

Registration and access


  • Registration can be done at any time during the year
  • You start by filling out our needs analysis survey and training feasibility questionnaire by entering the names of the trainees to be registered
  • If the training is feasible, we will send you your training agreement and the program (as posted on the site)
  • As soon as you sign the agreement, we will send you the payment link for your training course (online payment by credit card).
    Please contact us for any other means of payment.

Platform access

  • Once the payment is made, each trainee receives a welcome email with a self-assessment questionnaire to fill out.
  • Once the questionnaire is completed, we send him/her an email with the access code to login in to the platform.
  • In order to obtain the certificate of completion, thetraining course must be completed within 3 months after the first log in.
  • Access is valid for 1 year from the date of payment of your training.
  • During this period, you have unlimited access to all the content offered: all the videos of the online courses, as well as all the technical sheets.

Contact us

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